
Are you finding life to be boring and devoid of excitement? 

Maybe you are blocking yourself from having more in life because of attachments to the unconscious beliefs that tell you how to behave. 

When others around us get uncomfortable with our actions, they can project onto us and say things like “grow up” or “act your age.” 

It’s important to be accountable and not hurt others with our actions, but sometimes we get so locked in the role, we forget to enjoy the simple things in life. 

Being playful and expressive can be done in ways that help you connect to your feelings without making others feel uncomfortable.  Awareness of the roles we play both in our heads and the ones we feel others put on us will limit our ability to feel open and safe.  

The acknowledgment here is to understand how we allow this experience to interpret our actions and beliefs we have about the situation or ourselves. 

Most of us believe we have a sense of this “awareness,” yet once we are put to the test of holding clarity on this opportunity, we can revert to the role that provides a sense of safety.  This plunges us into our story of shame, which makes us play small.  This circumstance can be short-lived and even feel heavy as if someone did something to us, throwing us right back into the belief that it’s unsafe to be playful and fully connected to our personality.   


This could be the opportunity to see what you are hiding from and gift you the chance to see where you can grow and develop new skills to strengthen your emotional connection.  This space is “THE PLAYGROUND” where we get messy and learn to love ourselves as others mirror back the lies we tell ourselves that it’s not ok to be vulnerable.   

Why does this happen? 

In the space of confusion, we struggle for a clear stance of self-expression and connection.  If we are too different, no one will relate to us and if we are too alike, we will all be the same.   This forces a conundrum like state which is a problem or puzzle that is difficult or impossible to solve.  This is a faulty belief based on the programming we have been raised with to conform or die, which was established back in a time when we all were more co-dependent on each other for survival.   

In some countries, we are still operating on the belief to conform or die, but now we are experiencing the polarity.  We have more freedoms than ever which means we need to be clearer on how we affect each other in our self-expression and connection.   

Once we are strong in the voice of knowing who we are and who we aren’t can help, but there is more to this than meets the eye.   The challenge is not letting your internal thoughts or outside influences block you.  We tend to surround ourselves with what is familiar and not what is necessarily safe.

Learning the art of discernment and accountability can create the ability to let others have their opinions while you are free to express your true nature. 


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